People. People. Human beings. All high and mighty like indeed they are the most superior creature to ever walk the Earth. They simply cannot get enough of their old royal-ness and glory can they?
This rant comes as a result of all the people that have been giving their certain 2-cents worth ever since the first CatCafe in Singapore popped up. Really, do you think your 2-cents worth is worth even 2-cents? Even a dust mite might be worth more. At least it makes things dusty. Your comment? Doesn't even leave a mark.
I can't help but get quite cynical here because these people really drive you nuts with their comments. It's astounding how they can carry on with their lives like they know everything and have an "everything they say is right and best" mindset and not have someone parang their noses off for being so pokey and annoying. Maybe Singapore is too safe, that's why everyone thinks they can do and say as they like. Sad thing it is, because it's so nice to be in a safe country, yet people turn nasty because of their sheltered lives.
I mean, saying a load of 'helpful comments' is real helpful when it just involves punching some letters and having them appear *Poof!* on the screen. And wala! They think the situation instantly resolves itself that way. No, my friends. It takes more than that. Did they even stop to think how much effort and thought went into developing the whole cafe and what considerations they had put in for the customers, and the organisations that would be hot on their heels if anything went wrong? Did they even consider how you can't just compare two places that seem to offer the same services but at different prices and think they should be the same anyway? There's more to it than just saying put a monkey and a lion in the same cage together because they are both animals. Hey, everyone has their own situations to deal with. Sure, they can say anything they like and think it's real helpful because when anything happens, they don't have to lift a toenail anyway.
I just can't believe there are still people who believe in a free lunch in this world. They expect everything to be free! Free! So they can enjoy everything! Because they are entitled to it! Because they are worth it! Unfortunately, they ain't no Loreal ambassadors. They think they should be entitled to pay any amount they want rather than a fixed price. This is no charity. This is a place crafted and developed for people to enjoy to company of finely cared for animals, with specially selected artisan desserts and drinks. The CatCafe owners stated a price, and this is a price already way below what their furkids are worth, because they are truly treated and thought of as their own children, so how can people still complain that the price is not reasonable? They also try to compare it with Korean CatCafes and whatnot, where they have 30-odd cats and maybe only make you buy a drink instead of pay an entrance fee. But having more cats/charging a different fee doesn't make it a better establishment. Like how your math teacher will give you zero marks for the answer without the method. Actually I can't and don't want to comment further without having visited the places. But, as mentioned earlier, why compare when everyone has their own situations to deal with? And what of the "everyone who visits are cat lovers anyway! Just let them leave tips! They will!"? Then why even complain about the asking price? If they really loved cats and really wanted to visit, nothing will stop them from visiting, not the entrance fee to say the least.
Have they been to an animal shelter? Anyway, don't they think if the shelters started collecting an hourly rate for people visiting them, they would be able to provide a great deal more for the animals? They would be able to give the all the animals an air-conditioned environment perhaps, keep all the animals that are sent their way, treat all their illnesses that can be treated. Give them good food and nutrient supplements. Never have to put any of them down. They are also doing the best they can on what donations they receive. Still, countless people come and peer at the cats and leave nothing but footprint and a lost hope upon a little kitty wanting to be brought to a good home.
The Catcafe owners actually went through the effort of sourcing for premium grade drinks (imported) and desserts(all handmade by local bakeries) for the customer's enjoyment and still keep them at low prices. They even made sure to utilize only certified non-VOC emitting paint for their walls, the same for their wooden floorboards, even their vacuum cleaner and air purifier are from certified models that keep dust out of the air as properly as can be proper.
And about the phone. There is only one phone in the shop. And it had been ringing non-stop since reservations were open. So, if you didn't get through, it is because another call was being answered and not because the staff were ignoring calls or lazing about. And also, the human staff do not sleep in the shop, so please do not call after operating hours. Calls came in even after 10:30pm and who knows what kind of unearthly duration they continued calling for.
Having worked in various cafes, I've come across a myriad people, many of which are self-entitled kinds, thinking that you should still serve them even after the shop has closed, sometimes knocking rapidly on the glass walls to get your attention while you're frantically trying to settle the cash reports and hoping to go home on time... sometimes giving black faces because you've already closed the cashier and you can't take anymore orders as if you owed them for their missing dinner... sometimes giving suggestions like "oh just key in the amount tomorrow nevermind one!", like their grandfather owns the shop... sure, say we're not being flexible, but the part-time staff aren't the bosses and we don't go around doing what we like and acting like we own the shop, so why do some customers act that way? Give us a break man, everyone wants to go home sometime.
I seem to have drifted a little off-course. But I guess I've released what troubles I had in my mind. I certainly feel like one of those now who say what I wish and what I think makes sense. But with no other intention than to come to the defence of this humble little start-up because they are being bombarded with accusations left and right yet they have done nothing to deserve it.
Thank goodness they are still some good people in the world who are doing their best to reply those strange people as well.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Sunday, December 1, 2013
I dreamt
of what it felt like to be obliterated by a nuclear bomb. That's the only part of the dream i remember. The part where everyone starts looking to the sky. I'm distracted, so by the time i look up, I just see a flash. Something angry and bright hit the land. And then I see the rolling smoke engulfed by waves of fiery hell. I probably only thought of trying for a second. Holding on to what i had. Pomelo was beside me. But we kinda knew there was no running. Within that crack in time where we glimpsed the crashing blaze, bursting upon the land, we knew it was the end.
I saw myself disintegrate in the wildfire. I was a shadow in the sunlight.
Like a mistake in a halloween carving, broken shell, empty insides.
Pieces of me scattered with the wind. That was my dream.
So, what does it mean? To have an apocalyptic dream? Usually when I dream of looking at the night sky, I see a sparkling sequinned velvet sky. Nebulae in iridescent hues and stars a plenty like spilt shimmer. This time, it was devastation.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
The First Paper
So I'm gonna have my first paper of the examarathon later at 5pm. I'm just scribbling now because I've done what I can and come what may, I will survive the day.
I can't wait for Saturday. The Last Paper. And then it will be 1 week of chionging experiments and バイト then I will be off to explore another part of the world I have never explored in my life yet. Thanks to the unexpected decision on the part of Pomelo's family, and they decided to pack me in their suitcase!
I'll be going to Yogyakarta! I've never been to Indonesia so it'll be exciting. I think it's gonna be cultural but that also means it'll be mystical and beautiful right? I hope so anyway. I'm not a big places-of-worship-visiting person but time to time it's alright. Good to see the world in any new way.
And then in 5 days I will be back! Back working on my thesis and experiments and バイトagain and in no time, school will start and the cycle will repeat. Just that this time, it will end when it ends. That will be the last of it. And I can be released to enjoy my freedom! Release my creativity! Search for the meaning!
Urhm. okay i better go now. ta.
Oh yeh. I bought a clock from the Pasar Malam! It's too inspiring. Larvit.
Monday, November 18, 2013
I'm in Somnia.
This is bad. People go to Narnia, I go
in Somnia.
I'm starting to get insomnia again. Alright alright, I'm not supposed to call it insomnia as much as it simply is an irregular body clock else my education has accomplished naught to this day.
Afterall, it occurs on and off. Well it used to happen all the time but I managed to transform into some sort of solid rock of a nemurimonster as I'm gonna be calling it, and I managed to actually sleep within like a bunch of tens of minutes of hitting the cosy corner.
But these past few days have been like the bane of all bedsheets. Like, they aren't getting any love. I just don't feel ready for bed. My mind is awake and blasting out on all sorts of frequencies. I'm racing against my own thoughts and worries. It's all madness in there. Madness that has to be reigned in to get a pinch of sleep.
I've been worrying about job applications, growing fatter, growing unhealthier, worrying about the modules, the uncertainty I'm having towards what I'm learning in particular classes, worrying, worrying, worrying. Worrying about things that I never used to worry about. I'm starting to be inclined towards the lives of others, starting to feel awe and jealousy at the seemingly smooth roads, the completed journey, the end of the tunnel. Wanting that kind of life that is just not me.
Since when did I care about such things. Since when did I start having "idols" and finding someone else I wanted to be?
No. I will not have that. I will do what i do and accomplish what I will. And I will not look at the lives of others and imagine myself in it because that no real way to live. My own world is my own world and I will mould it according to my own merits and my own abilities. No over-the-top or underestimating.
Bah. I don't even know what I'm saying. What I'm trying to say is, my mind is in a big confusion now and I need to bring it back to earth so i can get some sleep.
Toodles and noodles.
in Somnia.
I'm starting to get insomnia again. Alright alright, I'm not supposed to call it insomnia as much as it simply is an irregular body clock else my education has accomplished naught to this day.
Afterall, it occurs on and off. Well it used to happen all the time but I managed to transform into some sort of solid rock of a nemurimonster as I'm gonna be calling it, and I managed to actually sleep within like a bunch of tens of minutes of hitting the cosy corner.
But these past few days have been like the bane of all bedsheets. Like, they aren't getting any love. I just don't feel ready for bed. My mind is awake and blasting out on all sorts of frequencies. I'm racing against my own thoughts and worries. It's all madness in there. Madness that has to be reigned in to get a pinch of sleep.
I've been worrying about job applications, growing fatter, growing unhealthier, worrying about the modules, the uncertainty I'm having towards what I'm learning in particular classes, worrying, worrying, worrying. Worrying about things that I never used to worry about. I'm starting to be inclined towards the lives of others, starting to feel awe and jealousy at the seemingly smooth roads, the completed journey, the end of the tunnel. Wanting that kind of life that is just not me.
Since when did I care about such things. Since when did I start having "idols" and finding someone else I wanted to be?
No. I will not have that. I will do what i do and accomplish what I will. And I will not look at the lives of others and imagine myself in it because that no real way to live. My own world is my own world and I will mould it according to my own merits and my own abilities. No over-the-top or underestimating.
Bah. I don't even know what I'm saying. What I'm trying to say is, my mind is in a big confusion now and I need to bring it back to earth so i can get some sleep.
Toodles and noodles.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Poem for A Bug I Saw
The world is filled with brilliant things
Amongst the rush, amongst the haste
These brilliant things we should not waste
Our eyes can taste, devour the view
We never saw, we never knew
In all our searching, we don't find
the precious things, can't satisfy
but precious things, are right in view
We only have to look to know.
Amongst the rush, amongst the haste
These brilliant things we should not waste
Our eyes can taste, devour the view
We never saw, we never knew
In all our searching, we don't find
the precious things, can't satisfy
but precious things, are right in view
We only have to look to know.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
When We Fall Down. We Get Up.
But not in Space you don't.
So today I watched Gravity. It was the most beautiful, amazing, awe inspiring depiction of space I've seen so far. It encompassed all my deepest fears and re-ignited my greater interests in Outer space. See, when I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut. Seriously. I had a notebook where I made notes of space related things (arranged in alphabetical order), like asteroids, black holes, nebulas, super novas... unfortunately I abandoned the dream when I realised I had to go to the US and stuff like that to be an astronaut. I wasn't ready to leave home.
So anyway this movie most certainly moved my heart in the most strangest of ways. I wanted to cry when I saw the hopelessness of Sandra Bullock, drifting off into the darkness of endless worlds, with a voice that no one would hear. I felt my heart collapse when the camera panned upon the magnificence of the Earth, mainly because my heart couldn't take it. The vastness. The distance we were from the troubles on the lands. The peace. Except it wasn't quite peaceful because of all the debris and whatnot splintering and shattering across the void, filling it with their frightening glimmers and piercing through the darkness at the speed of light.
Space is frightening. But also so calming. Just so amazing. Our world is.
And realising that you can never stop spinning and spinning and spinning if you lose control. There's no force, no friction, no air to stop you. You just can't stop. What will you do?
And knowing that when you pass a certain altitude you will just keep falling and falling, down to Earth. There's nothing you can do because everything is so much bigger and more powerful than you. I always look at the stars, if i'm outside and I get to see the dark skies at night. But now I will certainly look at them differently. I will be thinking of a further away place, beyond the blur of them glittering teardrops....
Man, the world sure is huge. Even though many say it's a small world afterall.
So today I watched Gravity. It was the most beautiful, amazing, awe inspiring depiction of space I've seen so far. It encompassed all my deepest fears and re-ignited my greater interests in Outer space. See, when I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut. Seriously. I had a notebook where I made notes of space related things (arranged in alphabetical order), like asteroids, black holes, nebulas, super novas... unfortunately I abandoned the dream when I realised I had to go to the US and stuff like that to be an astronaut. I wasn't ready to leave home.
So anyway this movie most certainly moved my heart in the most strangest of ways. I wanted to cry when I saw the hopelessness of Sandra Bullock, drifting off into the darkness of endless worlds, with a voice that no one would hear. I felt my heart collapse when the camera panned upon the magnificence of the Earth, mainly because my heart couldn't take it. The vastness. The distance we were from the troubles on the lands. The peace. Except it wasn't quite peaceful because of all the debris and whatnot splintering and shattering across the void, filling it with their frightening glimmers and piercing through the darkness at the speed of light.
Space is frightening. But also so calming. Just so amazing. Our world is.
And realising that you can never stop spinning and spinning and spinning if you lose control. There's no force, no friction, no air to stop you. You just can't stop. What will you do?
And knowing that when you pass a certain altitude you will just keep falling and falling, down to Earth. There's nothing you can do because everything is so much bigger and more powerful than you. I always look at the stars, if i'm outside and I get to see the dark skies at night. But now I will certainly look at them differently. I will be thinking of a further away place, beyond the blur of them glittering teardrops....
Man, the world sure is huge. Even though many say it's a small world afterall.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Today's Japan Inspired quote (or I'd prefer to call silly self-declared poetry).
"Sometimes things of glittering gold
Can't be Bought and Can't be sold
But still stay with you till you grow old."
Here is 金閣寺 (Kinkaku Ji) which I visited with Pomelo during our rampage in Japan this May~ We caught it bathed in the evening glow. It's quite pretty isn't it? It's sort of like the Eiffel Tower. It looks a lot nicer and more mystical from further away, or in pictures, rather than in real life. But it's nice to have been there and look at your own pictures of it too :D lol
This is the only landmark we actually managed to enter in Kyoto because we were too late for anything else lol.
"Sometimes things of glittering gold
Can't be Bought and Can't be sold
But still stay with you till you grow old."
Here is 金閣寺 (Kinkaku Ji) which I visited with Pomelo during our rampage in Japan this May~ We caught it bathed in the evening glow. It's quite pretty isn't it? It's sort of like the Eiffel Tower. It looks a lot nicer and more mystical from further away, or in pictures, rather than in real life. But it's nice to have been there and look at your own pictures of it too :D lol
This is the only landmark we actually managed to enter in Kyoto because we were too late for anything else lol.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Dream of 10th October morning
There was a house we stayed in during our vacation. It was a vacation with other people from the archery club. Around the house there was a forest, and a stretch of shoreline. We would play a game each night, sort of like hide and seek. One of us would be the seeker while the rest would go hide. We would switch off all the lights to make it harder for the seeker. They would have to rely on their sense of hearing to find us. It would be pitch black in the house, but the outside would still be lit by moonlight. You were allowed to hide outside too.
The house was double-storied, and had plenty of nooks and crannies for you to hide in. Under the shelves, in the drawers, in an abandoned corner just below the rooftop. I was scared of hiding alone because of my fear of the paranormal, so I insisted on hiding with Pomelo. Unfortunately, we lost contact halfway through the house because of the darkness and anxiety that the seeker would find us soon. In the midst of finding Pomelo, I found some other club mates hidden in the weirdest of places. Yup, there were people hiding in the drawers I wondered about those who had hidden so well they wouldn't be found. I wondered when they would come out then?
I think there was a lunatic in the house. Maybe it was the landlady. Because there's always some element of crazy in my dreams. Because I remember this dream was creeping me out the whole time i was in it. The dark house, the dark sands, the dark forest, the dark waters. Everything about it was just creepy and dark. Even our game.
I guess those who never came out of hiding would have been left behind? Forever?
The house was double-storied, and had plenty of nooks and crannies for you to hide in. Under the shelves, in the drawers, in an abandoned corner just below the rooftop. I was scared of hiding alone because of my fear of the paranormal, so I insisted on hiding with Pomelo. Unfortunately, we lost contact halfway through the house because of the darkness and anxiety that the seeker would find us soon. In the midst of finding Pomelo, I found some other club mates hidden in the weirdest of places. Yup, there were people hiding in the drawers I wondered about those who had hidden so well they wouldn't be found. I wondered when they would come out then?
I think there was a lunatic in the house. Maybe it was the landlady. Because there's always some element of crazy in my dreams. Because I remember this dream was creeping me out the whole time i was in it. The dark house, the dark sands, the dark forest, the dark waters. Everything about it was just creepy and dark. Even our game.
I guess those who never came out of hiding would have been left behind? Forever?
Monday, September 30, 2013
Extremely Random
Sometimes I'd attempt a little dramatic self-photo session thing in my quiet little hostel room.
Today it turned out rather like the cover of some children's book teaching life lessons in my imaginary world.
Hence I added a title to it.
A story quite close to my heart from the time of being small and waif-like and feeling like a lonely child in the cold.
Of course I am still small having not grown a millimetre since I was 14 (pssst! I only grew 10 cm from when I was 10). But I am no longer waif-like. More like some weight-lifting dwarf, darn those musckles. And no longer a lonely child! Although lecture theatres still do make me feel very cold indeed.
Enough banter!
Today it turned out rather like the cover of some children's book teaching life lessons in my imaginary world.
Hence I added a title to it.
A story quite close to my heart from the time of being small and waif-like and feeling like a lonely child in the cold.
Of course I am still small having not grown a millimetre since I was 14 (pssst! I only grew 10 cm from when I was 10). But I am no longer waif-like. More like some weight-lifting dwarf, darn those musckles. And no longer a lonely child! Although lecture theatres still do make me feel very cold indeed.
Enough banter!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Dream of 28/09/2013 Morning
It was night. Ben and I were at macs, sitting at a two seater. I was facing the open area outside that particular macs we were at. I don't think there exists one like that in Singapore. Then I started seeing something strange. Houses were floating in the air, attached by strings which were visible. Like to hot air balloons, but without the balloons. I couldn't see the source. It may have been hidden in the clouds. These houses were being carried closer and closer to us.
Then, they began to drop them.
Whoever it was started releasing the hold of those strings and letting the houses fall onto us below. They were crashing down and crushing people.
Then i realised this was a real war - an actual attack. And in my mind I knew it was an attack by aliens.
Everyone was screaming n panicking. Chaos everywhere. Then the house throwing stopped.
Then i saw it. The flaming ball being dropped. A sphere flickering in all its scarlet wrath. It was some distance away and i had no idea what the effect would be. It was like being in a movie except it was real. i plugged my ears really hard and closed my eyes.... For a long moment, I felt nothing. It seemed the bomb's effect didnt reach us. We thought it was over. People started getting up, looking around.
Then the next attack came. Sonic waves (what the..??!!). Huge ripples of sonic waves pulsed across the field headed directly at us. I shut my ears again and when it passed through me, I felt it. It pulled on my heart a little, and pushed through my body like a possession by a spirit.
Then I looked up and saw the houses around us getting lifted up. They were now carrying houses from this area, to be dropped on other places. Of course everyone freaked out again and started to lie down on the ground, hands over their heads. It was as if everyone knew they wouldn't take houses that had people standing up in. I have no idea how that was planted in my head.
Somehow I knew they still wanted useful people, so we tried to show them we would be useful, me by outrunning the sonic waves and ben by being some sort of bookkeeper. That was what the ad had said. Book keepers and Special Talents wanted. What's with this crazy dream??
Throughout the dream it was still night outside, and the macs we were at was lit by its usual bright lights. And the walls were the usual bright orange.
Then, they began to drop them.
Whoever it was started releasing the hold of those strings and letting the houses fall onto us below. They were crashing down and crushing people.
Then i realised this was a real war - an actual attack. And in my mind I knew it was an attack by aliens.
Everyone was screaming n panicking. Chaos everywhere. Then the house throwing stopped.
Then i saw it. The flaming ball being dropped. A sphere flickering in all its scarlet wrath. It was some distance away and i had no idea what the effect would be. It was like being in a movie except it was real. i plugged my ears really hard and closed my eyes.... For a long moment, I felt nothing. It seemed the bomb's effect didnt reach us. We thought it was over. People started getting up, looking around.
Then the next attack came. Sonic waves (what the..??!!). Huge ripples of sonic waves pulsed across the field headed directly at us. I shut my ears again and when it passed through me, I felt it. It pulled on my heart a little, and pushed through my body like a possession by a spirit.
Then I looked up and saw the houses around us getting lifted up. They were now carrying houses from this area, to be dropped on other places. Of course everyone freaked out again and started to lie down on the ground, hands over their heads. It was as if everyone knew they wouldn't take houses that had people standing up in. I have no idea how that was planted in my head.
Somehow I knew they still wanted useful people, so we tried to show them we would be useful, me by outrunning the sonic waves and ben by being some sort of bookkeeper. That was what the ad had said. Book keepers and Special Talents wanted. What's with this crazy dream??
Throughout the dream it was still night outside, and the macs we were at was lit by its usual bright lights. And the walls were the usual bright orange.
Monday, September 23, 2013
It's been
quite a long time since i last attempted to rhyme something. In my previous word waterfalls, I would put rhymes in my rantings ever so often, it became just so simple, seamless. Partly because I used to listen to rap so often (Linkin Park mainly because they still got a little tune and keyboard going on) that everything I ended up typing or saying just became twirled and twisted into a rhyme.
But now I hardly do any of that. It seems like the magic dust in my soul has been scattered so far out into the universe I can't remember who I used to be, what I used to love. I know I don't want to be the exact same person as before, that would be terrible! Character development being all important and whatnot. I just took too long to find myself, and kept changing and kept going down this yellow brick road and that... and still I haven't found the golden key to the kingdom of my heart. I just want back the parts of me that believed in drawing and painting and trees and sunshine and little mice families smiling happily at the dinner table with honey and cheese and berries bursting with the life of the Earth.
I just need to have that part of me back, that younger, more carefree and imaginative me. Not this concrete-headed inflexible pens and notes me...
Even at this point of my life, I'm neither a scientist nor an artist nor a bookworm nor a musician a nerd or geek...
but it's okay. All I want to be is that pony with rainbow hair, or that sparkly-skinned silver-haired mare.
But now I hardly do any of that. It seems like the magic dust in my soul has been scattered so far out into the universe I can't remember who I used to be, what I used to love. I know I don't want to be the exact same person as before, that would be terrible! Character development being all important and whatnot. I just took too long to find myself, and kept changing and kept going down this yellow brick road and that... and still I haven't found the golden key to the kingdom of my heart. I just want back the parts of me that believed in drawing and painting and trees and sunshine and little mice families smiling happily at the dinner table with honey and cheese and berries bursting with the life of the Earth.
I just need to have that part of me back, that younger, more carefree and imaginative me. Not this concrete-headed inflexible pens and notes me...
Even at this point of my life, I'm neither a scientist nor an artist nor a bookworm nor a musician a nerd or geek...
but it's okay. All I want to be is that pony with rainbow hair, or that sparkly-skinned silver-haired mare.
The Adventure to Pulau Ubin
I went on an adventure to explore Pulau Ubin with my sister yesterday, in lieu of her birthday on which the actual date I would not be able to celebrate due to a competition.
It was quite wondrous and fascinating seeing all bits and pieces of nature this little island had to offer. We took the trial that would eventually lead us to the Chek Jawa Wetlands Boardwalk. It was about a 3.4km walk there, but we decided not to rent bikes because we wanted to stop often along the way to observe the little things that one would easily miss zooming along on a bike.
It is quite rare to have someone that will stare at little ferns and mosses with you and agree to stop at every slightly interesting looking leaf or creature so it was great to go on this adventure with the right company!
We saw a snake slither away from our feet only because we stopped to look at an interesting leaf, and as we got up from finishing our packed lunch and continued our way down the path, a wild pig galloped across the road with much belly wobbling involved. Three leaf skeletons showed us their journey through life through their running veins. A butterfly posed for pictures. Fiddler crabs waved us good-day.
Though it was scorching and felt like the Earth was melting under me, I enjoyed every bit of it (except maybe the part where we were walking back and our feet were aching like mad because we had walked over 6km already!). We drowned ourselves in chin chow and even had dessert at a newly discovered place near home called D'zerts Cafe. They have some awesome looking desserts that I can't wait to try!
Monday, September 9, 2013
My Favourite
Word in the entire vocabulary is
There are many definitions to it, all of which, quite wonderful. Here's what has to say:
dream[ dreem ]
1. a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.
2. the sleeping state in which this occurs.
3. an object seen in a dream.
4. an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake.
5. a vision voluntarily indulged in while awake; daydream; reverie.
6. an aspiration; goal; aim: A trip to Europe is his dream.
7. a wild or vain fancy.
8. something of an unreal beauty, charm, or excellence.
verb (used without object)
1. to have a dream.
2. to indulge in daydreams or reveries: He dreamed about vacation plans when he should have been working.
3. to think or conceive of something in a very remote way (usually followed by of): I wouldn't dream of asking them.
verb (used with object)
1. to see or imagine in sleep or in a vision.
2. to imagine as if in a dream; fancy; suppose.
3. to pass or spend (time) in dreaming (often followed by away): to dream away the afternoon.
1. most desirable; ideal: a dream vacation.
bubble*, castle in the air, chimera, daydream, delusion, fancy, fantasy, hallucination, head trip, idea, image, imagination, impression, incubus, mental picture, nightmare, pie in the sky, pipe dream, rainbow, reverie, specter, speculation, thought, trance, vagary, wraith
Okay I wouldn't say all the synonyms are wonderful, but "castle in the sky", "pie in the sky".. kinda cute too huh!
I don't know why but I am greatly attracted by this word. Maybe I just love dreaming. For one, I get the most fantastic dreams. Also, they relate to reality. Like goals. Aspirations. Good stuff and unicorn fluff.
Anyway i saw this shirt in Editor's Market for a crapsicranium $159. It's a shirt. And a thin one. And the words aren't even the original artwork in raw medium. I don't know how they priced it. And I will attempt to paint my own version.
There are many definitions to it, all of which, quite wonderful. Here's what has to say:
dream[ dreem ]
1. a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.
2. the sleeping state in which this occurs.
3. an object seen in a dream.
4. an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake.
5. a vision voluntarily indulged in while awake; daydream; reverie.
6. an aspiration; goal; aim: A trip to Europe is his dream.
7. a wild or vain fancy.
8. something of an unreal beauty, charm, or excellence.
verb (used without object)
1. to have a dream.
2. to indulge in daydreams or reveries: He dreamed about vacation plans when he should have been working.
3. to think or conceive of something in a very remote way (usually followed by of): I wouldn't dream of asking them.
verb (used with object)
1. to see or imagine in sleep or in a vision.
2. to imagine as if in a dream; fancy; suppose.
3. to pass or spend (time) in dreaming (often followed by away): to dream away the afternoon.
1. most desirable; ideal: a dream vacation.
bubble*, castle in the air, chimera, daydream, delusion, fancy, fantasy, hallucination, head trip, idea, image, imagination, impression, incubus, mental picture, nightmare, pie in the sky, pipe dream, rainbow, reverie, specter, speculation, thought, trance, vagary, wraith
Okay I wouldn't say all the synonyms are wonderful, but "castle in the sky", "pie in the sky".. kinda cute too huh!
I don't know why but I am greatly attracted by this word. Maybe I just love dreaming. For one, I get the most fantastic dreams. Also, they relate to reality. Like goals. Aspirations. Good stuff and unicorn fluff.
Anyway i saw this shirt in Editor's Market for a crapsicranium $159. It's a shirt. And a thin one. And the words aren't even the original artwork in raw medium. I don't know how they priced it. And I will attempt to paint my own version.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
The Random Thoughts
I think it is so greatly intriguing, how you can see some people repeatedly while the world out there is so big.
Why do some people just stand out more in your visual space? Is it because the girl had a loud, piercing voice as she asked for directions to the person behind you as you queued to board the bus in school? I've repeatedly seen this girl since then, whether she was a customer at the school cafe i'm part-timing at, whether she was eating with her friends in the science canteen, whether she was simply waiting for this bus. Somehow I keep indadvertedly noticing her around now.
And then this chap on the MRT, wearing a formal work shirt and work pants, but on his lap this striking royal blue pleather backpack with silver studs in an arc across the top... I've seen this chap before, just last week. I suppose its because we are both on the way to work and leave about the same time and are on the train at about the same time. And it's just because he has such a strange matchup of accessories to his clothes that i find him more distinct than anyone else that might well have been on the same train and the same cabin at this time last weekend.
And then there were others, all very randomly observed on the train, and then at random events at other places at totally different times. I'm most certain its because these people have something really unique about them that made them stand out. It's just quite interesting to notice how often I am actually around the same people while thinking, "meh, will never see this chap again anyway," or "should i tell her i know the way? blah. Will never meet her again anyway."
Just interesting.
And it's raining again. Peter. Patter. Broke his platter. Lunch fell down in one big splatter. Does it matter? I wouldn't know better. But he certainly isn't gonna get any Fatter.
Omg. Now I'm going crazy.
Ending off with a cute pic I came across on facebook.
Why do some people just stand out more in your visual space? Is it because the girl had a loud, piercing voice as she asked for directions to the person behind you as you queued to board the bus in school? I've repeatedly seen this girl since then, whether she was a customer at the school cafe i'm part-timing at, whether she was eating with her friends in the science canteen, whether she was simply waiting for this bus. Somehow I keep indadvertedly noticing her around now.
And then this chap on the MRT, wearing a formal work shirt and work pants, but on his lap this striking royal blue pleather backpack with silver studs in an arc across the top... I've seen this chap before, just last week. I suppose its because we are both on the way to work and leave about the same time and are on the train at about the same time. And it's just because he has such a strange matchup of accessories to his clothes that i find him more distinct than anyone else that might well have been on the same train and the same cabin at this time last weekend.
And then there were others, all very randomly observed on the train, and then at random events at other places at totally different times. I'm most certain its because these people have something really unique about them that made them stand out. It's just quite interesting to notice how often I am actually around the same people while thinking, "meh, will never see this chap again anyway," or "should i tell her i know the way? blah. Will never meet her again anyway."
Just interesting.
And it's raining again. Peter. Patter. Broke his platter. Lunch fell down in one big splatter. Does it matter? I wouldn't know better. But he certainly isn't gonna get any Fatter.
Omg. Now I'm going crazy.
Ending off with a cute pic I came across on facebook.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
The Fun Bits of School
Now school for me is all Catching Spiders, playing with the spectrometer, slipping in and out of a daydream, scribbling on my scheduler... My timetable is so empty but my school life is incredibly packed. I'm either at the office playing with the spectro, at work, at training, at classes or at tuition (although this will be phased out soon). It's amazing how I still get enough sleep. Or at least I think I do.
Anyway lab today was quite a blast for the senses, but also quite the prance in the park. It was a simple fish dissection and then a quick sketch to match. Had fun eyeballing the insides of a rather unappealing muscle man (or rather, fish) :b
And then in the afternoon it was playing with coral cores for marine biology. Cool stuff 'em coral skeletons. And man, just gotta love that digital caliper! If we only had those on our tioman trip, seriously.. handling those snakes would've been a hundred times less slithery I say... Speaking of the Tioman Trip, i should really record that down sometime. Did not do any diary writing during the trip! Way too exhausted and drained (despite being soaked for field work every night)..
Cut Hair. Ran. Had Brownie with Vanilla ice cream (self-prepared) (kinda negated the running but hey.).
School shall continue being fun!
I demand it.
Anyway lab today was quite a blast for the senses, but also quite the prance in the park. It was a simple fish dissection and then a quick sketch to match. Had fun eyeballing the insides of a rather unappealing muscle man (or rather, fish) :b
And then in the afternoon it was playing with coral cores for marine biology. Cool stuff 'em coral skeletons. And man, just gotta love that digital caliper! If we only had those on our tioman trip, seriously.. handling those snakes would've been a hundred times less slithery I say... Speaking of the Tioman Trip, i should really record that down sometime. Did not do any diary writing during the trip! Way too exhausted and drained (despite being soaked for field work every night)..
Cut Hair. Ran. Had Brownie with Vanilla ice cream (self-prepared) (kinda negated the running but hey.).
School shall continue being fun!
I demand it.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
The Words 2
Another random wisp of inspiration donated to Goaty a bunch of weeks ago.
This time with a photograph of Lake Kawaguchiko, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan.
This place is all about the things we've been missing. The swaying dandelions, the soft breeze, the quiet fisherman, the elegant trees.
Another day is another opportunity. Another chance to do something different. Even if it may be drastic or crazy, it is a chance to change something. Or work on something. Or make something better.
So do it!
This time with a photograph of Lake Kawaguchiko, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan.
This place is all about the things we've been missing. The swaying dandelions, the soft breeze, the quiet fisherman, the elegant trees.
Another day is another opportunity. Another chance to do something different. Even if it may be drastic or crazy, it is a chance to change something. Or work on something. Or make something better.
So do it!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
STGCC 2013
My sistar (ZUCOR.TUMBLR.COM) had a booth at the Singapore Toys, Games and Comics Convention this year and I'm darned happy for her. Reception was really great and lots of people loved her work! Including me of course. It's awesome that she can finally show off her work and what she'd been working on for years on end finally paid off! This is just a small start but hey! It's a big deal already.
Here's her with her booth at the event!
This guy bought one of her original pen drawings.
Someone even commissioned her to do a drawing of some Attack of the Titan image and she took a quick peep at it and went, "Challenge Accepted." Okay, it didn't really go like that but well if it were me, I certainly wouldn't dare to take up drawing something for someone on the spot like that!
Here's a close-up of her working on it. Feels kinda surreal seeing the image materialize before your eyes just like that.
Here is us and the effect of being 1 year and 4 months different in age. I think she is a good 12cm taller than I am.
PomeLo came to the event too!

And ending off with a photo of expensive food we had to have at Marina Bay Sands Mall because everything there is about the same price. This is bak kut teh from ToastBox and it's actually pretty good.
Seeing my own sistar's success is really encouraging and makes me feel hopeful about the future for anyone who works hard and believes in what they do and of course, chases their dreams. It feels like ain't no one got to ever give up cuz something's gonna work out someday. This is like such a big deal to us because we were drawing since we could hold a pencil, we had such a hard time getting anywhere with it and still, she pursued it while I simply pushed it aside and gave up. Hence, I am absolutely proud of her!
And also I resolve to draw more often during my free time and brush up on some basic techniques!
Remember to visit her art blog at ZUCOR.TUMBLR.COM!
Friday, August 30, 2013
The Words
I've recently been sending Goaty random pictures with random quotes that I randomly randomized from my randomness. Some of them may have been somewhat inspired by things I've heard but i do not know for sure since I just pull them out from my brain at that moment when I see that picture and think to myself what would I say (only in my mind of course) when I see this? If I said it out loud I believe I might sound really unusual for the society that surrounds me.
Anyway. I decided to post them up one by one. Starting with this one. Photograph taken on my adventure to Mauritius in 2011, organised by NUS mountaineering club (have to give them due credit even if it sounds like product placement. There ain't no better way to enjoy this place than led by the locals which is what they arranged for us!). Lav-ly.
Anyway. I decided to post them up one by one. Starting with this one. Photograph taken on my adventure to Mauritius in 2011, organised by NUS mountaineering club (have to give them due credit even if it sounds like product placement. There ain't no better way to enjoy this place than led by the locals which is what they arranged for us!). Lav-ly.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
The First Day
In Japan has been wonderful! Full of non-stop exercise and eating coupled to give the perfect balance of enjoyment.
It was Akihabara that we first made our way to from the airport. Won't go into too much detail cuz more photos are on my camera! But the highlight of today was definitely the Maid Cafe!
They were like a species of their own with their squeaky mannerisms and their kawaii -make, like real-life anime characters or wind-up dolls come alive. An experience to remember and worth every cent of that $40 spent!
Ended the night getting lost while searching for our hostel XD and also supper of labish from the supermart nearby! Gotta love 'em supermarts here... wanna eat ALL THE FOOD!!
And I spent wayy too much on playing ufo catcher machines today XD
It was Akihabara that we first made our way to from the airport. Won't go into too much detail cuz more photos are on my camera! But the highlight of today was definitely the Maid Cafe!
They were like a species of their own with their squeaky mannerisms and their kawaii -make, like real-life anime characters or wind-up dolls come alive. An experience to remember and worth every cent of that $40 spent!
Ended the night getting lost while searching for our hostel XD and also supper of labish from the supermart nearby! Gotta love 'em supermarts here... wanna eat ALL THE FOOD!!
And I spent wayy too much on playing ufo catcher machines today XD
The Second Day
was spent at Ueno! Yes, the whole day!
Starting with the zoo~~ and then walking down a random street and shopping!
Found a nifty thrift store and got awesome
items at $3 (crop puff
sleeve sweater) and $15 (lolita dress!) There were other items i would have really liked to buy, like a Liz Liza suspender skirt but it was 4000Y, or sgd 51.20 and I didn't have the budget for it so nah..
Also found a 100Y shop along this street where we acquired towels and a scissors and cute bunny stickers (we didnt buy check-in luggage for the flight here so yea).
It rained too~~ but it wasn't so heavy thankfully. The air was still crisp and chilly though, my cheeks were like being tapped with sparklers...
Ended the day with a lovely supper of soba and mayo pasta from the supermarket beside our hostel ^^
More when I upload the pics from my
Starting with the zoo~~ and then walking down a random street and shopping!
Found a nifty thrift store and got awesome
items at $3 (crop puff
sleeve sweater) and $15 (lolita dress!) There were other items i would have really liked to buy, like a Liz Liza suspender skirt but it was 4000Y, or sgd 51.20 and I didn't have the budget for it so nah..
Also found a 100Y shop along this street where we acquired towels and a scissors and cute bunny stickers (we didnt buy check-in luggage for the flight here so yea).
It rained too~~ but it wasn't so heavy thankfully. The air was still crisp and chilly though, my cheeks were like being tapped with sparklers...
Ended the day with a lovely supper of soba and mayo pasta from the supermarket beside our hostel ^^
More when I upload the pics from my
Sunday, May 12, 2013
The Nails
Yay pastel nails~
And penguin! The single penguin~~ saw it in somewhere sometime ago and always wanted to try!! Finally got the right colours to do it.
Yea. That's all. lol.
Flying in 3 days!!!
And penguin! The single penguin~~ saw it in somewhere sometime ago and always wanted to try!! Finally got the right colours to do it.
Yea. That's all. lol.
Flying in 3 days!!!
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
The Kitten
Okay. Approximately 5 days ago there was a fellow at my block hollering over the phone at the SPCA cuz they didnt wanna come pick up a kitten he found. Apparently the mom was nowhere in sight for a few hours so he presumed it had been abandoned and brought it with him to the void deck. It's good SPCA didn't wanna come cuz they would probably have to put it down if no one adopted it. I believe i could find a fosterer and subsequently, an adopter for it so i offered my
help. The guy left me with the kitten.
It meowed non-stop unless you had a hand giving it warmth and comfort and was actually, quite a real pain! Yes, it literally screamed when you left it alone So we never did for more than 2minutes. Anyway my parents wouldnt let me keep it so i found someone to keep it in their home for the night. He kept cats so he knew what to do.
Meanwhile i contacted a friend who gave me the contact to a fosterer. And it was settled that I would bring the kitten over the next day.
So that's what I did. Cabbed all the way from the East to the West all the while busying the kitten with my twirling finger above its head so it wouldnt keep meowing and disturb the cab driver too much. He was really nice about it though! He only charged me $20 instead of the actual $23.70 fare.
The fosterer found an adopter for the kitten so it's got a new home now!
The End!
Okay. Approximately 5 days ago there was a fellow at my block hollering over the phone at the SPCA cuz they didnt wanna come pick up a kitten he found. Apparently the mom was nowhere in sight for a few hours so he presumed it had been abandoned and brought it with him to the void deck. It's good SPCA didn't wanna come cuz they would probably have to put it down if no one adopted it. I believe i could find a fosterer and subsequently, an adopter for it so i offered my
help. The guy left me with the kitten.
It meowed non-stop unless you had a hand giving it warmth and comfort and was actually, quite a real pain! Yes, it literally screamed when you left it alone So we never did for more than 2minutes. Anyway my parents wouldnt let me keep it so i found someone to keep it in their home for the night. He kept cats so he knew what to do.
Meanwhile i contacted a friend who gave me the contact to a fosterer. And it was settled that I would bring the kitten over the next day.
So that's what I did. Cabbed all the way from the East to the West all the while busying the kitten with my twirling finger above its head so it wouldnt keep meowing and disturb the cab driver too much. He was really nice about it though! He only charged me $20 instead of the actual $23.70 fare.
The fosterer found an adopter for the kitten so it's got a new home now!
The End!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013
The Dream of 20th April's Morning
This dream was no doubt another strange one. unfortunately, I can't recall the bulk of it.
I just remember one specific part. The setting was Sentosa. I approached a hanging bridge, and sitting on its railing was the most adorable little furry lemur. There was a storm and the rain battered at its fluff, sending a series of shivers down its tiny back. I was decked in a black raincoat, and inside, I believe, I donned a wildlife researcher outfit of some sort. The rain was crackling against the shell of my coat and the wind forbade me to reach out a hand, but i was only concerned about capturing the creature. So reach, i did, cupping the little furbundle ever so tenderly in my palms. It was really the cutest thing. But not the cutest thing I'd seen in my dreams. There've been countless ones of puppies, kittens, hamsters.. I guess this one is just especially exotic.
Anyway i had not a clue what was the purpose of my capturing the little furbundle, but I suppose some lab research was done on it or something. And once done, it was like a repeat of the same scene when I captured the creature, except this time I was returning it to the railing. The storm hadn't abated and when i released the little thing, it clung on tightly to the rail, its little body threatening to flip and tumble away into the great beyond. Still, small but mighty, it managed to scuttle away pretty quickly.
And that's all I remember.
Oh yes. I also remember at one point there was a rifle competition going on! Oh my, those days have long since passed and yet I still dream of them. Wowhee.
These are the closest pics I could find on google of the lemur in my dream.
I just remember one specific part. The setting was Sentosa. I approached a hanging bridge, and sitting on its railing was the most adorable little furry lemur. There was a storm and the rain battered at its fluff, sending a series of shivers down its tiny back. I was decked in a black raincoat, and inside, I believe, I donned a wildlife researcher outfit of some sort. The rain was crackling against the shell of my coat and the wind forbade me to reach out a hand, but i was only concerned about capturing the creature. So reach, i did, cupping the little furbundle ever so tenderly in my palms. It was really the cutest thing. But not the cutest thing I'd seen in my dreams. There've been countless ones of puppies, kittens, hamsters.. I guess this one is just especially exotic.
Anyway i had not a clue what was the purpose of my capturing the little furbundle, but I suppose some lab research was done on it or something. And once done, it was like a repeat of the same scene when I captured the creature, except this time I was returning it to the railing. The storm hadn't abated and when i released the little thing, it clung on tightly to the rail, its little body threatening to flip and tumble away into the great beyond. Still, small but mighty, it managed to scuttle away pretty quickly.
And that's all I remember.
Oh yes. I also remember at one point there was a rifle competition going on! Oh my, those days have long since passed and yet I still dream of them. Wowhee.
These are the closest pics I could find on google of the lemur in my dream.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
A Purples In Life
Just some pics of my hair which i decided to splatter with la riche. But this was a week ago, so now it's not so nice anymore :C
And also, 50cent-a-pair sox from some cotton on sale at Bishan Junction 8! There were lots of nice knits and stuff but most had been mangled by the hoards of the day :S Also, most were in M or L which were kinda huge as cotton on sizes always are. Anyway love 'em sox. All cute and dolly and stuff.
And also, 50cent-a-pair sox from some cotton on sale at Bishan Junction 8! There were lots of nice knits and stuff but most had been mangled by the hoards of the day :S Also, most were in M or L which were kinda huge as cotton on sizes always are. Anyway love 'em sox. All cute and dolly and stuff.
The Dream of 18th April's Morning
Well this morning I had another strange dream. The theme of the dream was something like the movie, Invasion, and probably subconsciously inspired by it, except that I watched that movie like a few weeks ago so it's strange that the effect came on only now.
Anyway, I dreamt that we (we meaning I and other random characters) were in a house, and all was peaceful until we realised... the zombies were outside! And it was all cool and movie-like, with one of the girls going to a window, and upon seeing a zombie silhouette appear through the fog, she gasped, and moved away slowly from the window. Everyone was being all scared about the zombies finding out about us, the ones who hadn't changed. We were thinking of ways to prevent them from knowing. Just like in the movie, Invasion, we thought that if we went outside and acted like the rest of them, they wouldn't notice! However, my experience from watching the walking dead lead me to think, but we don't smell the same do we? And then they'll notice!
So I don't think we ever got out of that house, but the dream jumped to another scene. Still the same scenario, but this time, it wasn't zombies outside, but really those people who had got invaded. This meant that they acted like normal people, but they had no feelings, no expressions etc etc. Anyway for some really, really strange reason, my sister and I had become tiny little gnomey dwarf things. Yes. Perculiar indeed.
We ran along the streets trying to find a hiding place, but it seemed like they could still notice us, and they were chasing us. We got to one building and ran inside. It was dark, and there were a bunch of ledges along the wall that we were trodding on. But in the darkness, we could still see an even darker figure moving. My sis was like, "Omg. What's that." And I was like "Shyt, don't know." And then we saw it. Its gleaming eyes of crystal and fire. It was a freaking giant pug from the underworld. Or maybe because we had been reduced to the size of an apple, the dog really looked gargantuan to us. It had sensed us and was growling, twisting in circles, flicking its ears to catch the tiniest proof of our existence. Then it saw us. Through the illumination of the moonlight flowing through one of the broken glass windows of the building (this window had just appeared at this moment, seriously, it wasn't there when we came in!), our silhouettes could be seen. And so it lunged. Saliva spitting, breath a-heaving, claws glinting in that dreaded moonlight.
We, of course, panicked and screamed and yelled and what have we, but the dog just didn't get us, somehow.
And then we saw a fellow, who looked like Morpheus, sitting on one of the ledges. He said, "You shouldn't be here. This building is mine." He was wearing matrix sunglasses and was sitting, legs crossed, in a very zen position. He could have been meditating or looking into the future through those lenses for all we knew.
And so, we very obligingly left the building, unscathed but only by the breath of a bumblebee's leg hair.
We were back on the streets again. Everyone had been invaded already and it was just the two of us, tiny little helpless gnomes, scuttling down the roads. We tried to stop at various shops and hide beneath their display counters and the like, but somehow it seemed like the people could always sense our presence, no matter how small and unnoticeable we thought we were. And in fact, there were actual police chasing us. We heard the sirens, the dogs, the commotion all around us. But we ran on and on....
Finally, we stopped at this house where apparently, the woman had not turned. It was an old lady. She must have been quite a pro cuz she was pretending to be one of them and they still hadn't even noticed. And then the police came up to her. My sis and I had no time to hide so we just stopped under her orange bush in the garden and literally, acted as a garden gnome -.- Oh my god. I cannot even believe i actually dreamt this.
One of the policemen came up to me and gave me a poke. I didn't budge. Actually I was really amazed by myself. I'm usually unnaturally ticklish so I expected to crumble down or curl up in my sensitivity, but no. I stood my ground. And the policeman seemed convinced we were really garden gnomes.
Once the police left my sis and I relaxed. And I don't know what happened next but it was around this moment that the dream ended.
Anyway, I dreamt that we (we meaning I and other random characters) were in a house, and all was peaceful until we realised... the zombies were outside! And it was all cool and movie-like, with one of the girls going to a window, and upon seeing a zombie silhouette appear through the fog, she gasped, and moved away slowly from the window. Everyone was being all scared about the zombies finding out about us, the ones who hadn't changed. We were thinking of ways to prevent them from knowing. Just like in the movie, Invasion, we thought that if we went outside and acted like the rest of them, they wouldn't notice! However, my experience from watching the walking dead lead me to think, but we don't smell the same do we? And then they'll notice!
So I don't think we ever got out of that house, but the dream jumped to another scene. Still the same scenario, but this time, it wasn't zombies outside, but really those people who had got invaded. This meant that they acted like normal people, but they had no feelings, no expressions etc etc. Anyway for some really, really strange reason, my sister and I had become tiny little gnomey dwarf things. Yes. Perculiar indeed.
We ran along the streets trying to find a hiding place, but it seemed like they could still notice us, and they were chasing us. We got to one building and ran inside. It was dark, and there were a bunch of ledges along the wall that we were trodding on. But in the darkness, we could still see an even darker figure moving. My sis was like, "Omg. What's that." And I was like "Shyt, don't know." And then we saw it. Its gleaming eyes of crystal and fire. It was a freaking giant pug from the underworld. Or maybe because we had been reduced to the size of an apple, the dog really looked gargantuan to us. It had sensed us and was growling, twisting in circles, flicking its ears to catch the tiniest proof of our existence. Then it saw us. Through the illumination of the moonlight flowing through one of the broken glass windows of the building (this window had just appeared at this moment, seriously, it wasn't there when we came in!), our silhouettes could be seen. And so it lunged. Saliva spitting, breath a-heaving, claws glinting in that dreaded moonlight.
We, of course, panicked and screamed and yelled and what have we, but the dog just didn't get us, somehow.
And then we saw a fellow, who looked like Morpheus, sitting on one of the ledges. He said, "You shouldn't be here. This building is mine." He was wearing matrix sunglasses and was sitting, legs crossed, in a very zen position. He could have been meditating or looking into the future through those lenses for all we knew.
And so, we very obligingly left the building, unscathed but only by the breath of a bumblebee's leg hair.
We were back on the streets again. Everyone had been invaded already and it was just the two of us, tiny little helpless gnomes, scuttling down the roads. We tried to stop at various shops and hide beneath their display counters and the like, but somehow it seemed like the people could always sense our presence, no matter how small and unnoticeable we thought we were. And in fact, there were actual police chasing us. We heard the sirens, the dogs, the commotion all around us. But we ran on and on....
Finally, we stopped at this house where apparently, the woman had not turned. It was an old lady. She must have been quite a pro cuz she was pretending to be one of them and they still hadn't even noticed. And then the police came up to her. My sis and I had no time to hide so we just stopped under her orange bush in the garden and literally, acted as a garden gnome -.- Oh my god. I cannot even believe i actually dreamt this.
One of the policemen came up to me and gave me a poke. I didn't budge. Actually I was really amazed by myself. I'm usually unnaturally ticklish so I expected to crumble down or curl up in my sensitivity, but no. I stood my ground. And the policeman seemed convinced we were really garden gnomes.
Once the police left my sis and I relaxed. And I don't know what happened next but it was around this moment that the dream ended.
The Night
was bright
like disco lights
They flashed and clashed
Like shards of glass
So striking that they could be seen
Right through my eyes, though closed, could glean,
the spears of raging, jagged tracings
underlining life. Amazing.
Energy, raw, and pure and strong
Kept me awake, watching as long
as flickers kept on bursting through
the fog, the rain, my curtains too.
They pierced right in and met my eyes,
ablaze, amazed, the sky could cry
with such anger, fury, madness...
Is it our work? this intense storm
made strong by humans
chasing cash? And in the process hurting Earth? Nudging her to the tipping point?
When it's reached,
and it won't be long,
we'll have to pay.
I hope I'm wrong.
like disco lights
They flashed and clashed
Like shards of glass
So striking that they could be seen
Right through my eyes, though closed, could glean,
the spears of raging, jagged tracings
underlining life. Amazing.
Energy, raw, and pure and strong
Kept me awake, watching as long
as flickers kept on bursting through
the fog, the rain, my curtains too.
They pierced right in and met my eyes,
ablaze, amazed, the sky could cry
with such anger, fury, madness...
Is it our work? this intense storm
made strong by humans
chasing cash? And in the process hurting Earth? Nudging her to the tipping point?
When it's reached,
and it won't be long,
we'll have to pay.
I hope I'm wrong.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Another Cute Shirt
And once again, she could not resist. It was an adorable raccoon sketch on a dainty pink polka dot background! It was just too cute. And the price made it all the more tempting. Only $5!! Oh my.
Thus, once again, she had fallen victim to the jaws of that Cotton On outlet with the perpetual sales. Positioned so conspicuously among the numerous sports retail shops at Velocity, it was just impossible to miss. And impossible to ignore.
Although the size was not a perfect fit, (Only M was available), she decided it would be cute as a poofy dress too. So she skipped off to the counter gleefully with the treasure in her hands like a pirate with a bountiful loot~ and wala! A new shirt to add to her never ending, growing collection of cheap finds.
Thus, once again, she had fallen victim to the jaws of that Cotton On outlet with the perpetual sales. Positioned so conspicuously among the numerous sports retail shops at Velocity, it was just impossible to miss. And impossible to ignore.
Although the size was not a perfect fit, (Only M was available), she decided it would be cute as a poofy dress too. So she skipped off to the counter gleefully with the treasure in her hands like a pirate with a bountiful loot~ and wala! A new shirt to add to her never ending, growing collection of cheap finds.
The Goldfish and Accessory
recently i read the story of Yoshiko-chan the goldfish. It was a weird story but I enjoyed it anyway!
And then I got tempted to buy a pair of goldfish earrings. They're a lil heavy but too cute!
recently i read the story of Yoshiko-chan the goldfish. It was a weird story but I enjoyed it anyway!
And then I got tempted to buy a pair of goldfish earrings. They're a lil heavy but too cute!
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