
Saturday, August 31, 2013

STGCC 2013

My sistar (ZUCOR.TUMBLR.COM) had a booth at the Singapore Toys, Games and Comics Convention this year and I'm darned happy for her. Reception was really great and lots of people loved her work! Including me of course. It's awesome that she can finally show off her work and what she'd been working on for years on end finally paid off! This is just a small start but hey! It's a big deal already.

Here's her with her booth at the event! 

This guy bought one of her original pen drawings.

Someone even commissioned her to do a drawing of some Attack of the Titan image and she took a quick peep at it and went, "Challenge Accepted." Okay, it didn't really go like that but well if it were me, I certainly wouldn't dare to take up drawing something for someone on the spot like that!

Here's a close-up of her working on it. Feels kinda surreal seeing the image materialize before your eyes just like that. 

 Here is us and the effect of being 1 year and 4 months different in age. I think she is a good 12cm taller than I am.

PomeLo came to the event too!

And ending off with a photo of expensive food we had to have at Marina Bay Sands Mall because everything there is about the same price. This is bak kut teh from ToastBox and it's actually pretty good. 

Seeing my own sistar's success is really encouraging and makes me feel hopeful about the future for anyone who works hard and believes in what they do and of course, chases their dreams. It feels like ain't no one got to ever give up cuz something's gonna work out someday. This is like such a big deal to us because we were drawing since we could hold a pencil, we had such a hard time getting anywhere with it and still, she pursued it while I simply pushed it aside and gave up. Hence, I am absolutely proud of her!

And also I resolve to draw more often during my free time and brush up on some basic techniques!

Remember to visit her art blog at ZUCOR.TUMBLR.COM! 

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