
Friday, August 10, 2012

On a more solemn note...

I guess I’ve always been more of the heartless and cold sort… I never quite had sentimentality for fellow suffering human beings, unless they were really, really old and shriveled and pathetic looking and bullied. Only that would twang one of my weaker heartstrings. I only felt for the plight of animals; animals being tortured, being used, being abused and being degraded beyond their worth and having no home to return to because of us humans. Only that would really make my cringe and blur my vision and make me hold a little less hope in my hands for the world.

That’s why I need people like her around me. She influences me to feel for fellow human beings and feel their plight just like the way I feel for sad, helpless little animals, because those humans sometimes are really just like sad, helpless little animals. They are too weak and pathetic to harm nature or hurt animals so I really shouldn’t have anything against them. I need to learn sympathy for these people, because they need the sympathy of their fellow beings in order to survive. That’s how we live, it’s not the survival of the fittest, but the survival of those who stand together and help one another, now that the world has resources that are so unevenly distributed.

Human beings often disappoint me, but I guess it is in human nature to be disappointing. Because I see this less in animals, I feel they are more helpless and they can’t even do wrong so they really, really need people’s empathy. But humans, I feel like humans know, yet they still do all the disappointing and hurtful things to fellow human beings. Maybe I can begin to understand that those who can feel sympathy for certain human beings are forgiving, or do not consider the bad side of people, but simply, recognise the side they see now, the sad and sorry state before them, and they want to help.

It’s okay. I will begin to learn sympathy for humans. Because I am living among them and they are so plentiful it really is quite unavoidable in a country like mine. Also, I am a human myself. If I begin to sympathize with other humans, maybe I will finally begin to accept myself and my own short-comings and life will be much more pleasant for everyone around me.

Well, almost time for dinner and I’m starved.

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